After years trying to do this with no luck. Finally figured it out when I was looking at the xml output for a Keyboard Maestro Macro. This worked on an iMac 21" 2011 running Monterey.
↓ This is the System command for anyone who's still interested: ↓
tell application "System Events"
-- Press % key (trigger)
key code 118
-- Simulate BRIGHTNESS_UP (action)
key code 144 using control down
end tell
↓ Or you can save this in a Bash file ( ↓
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to key code 118' # Press % key (trigger)
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to key code 144 using control down' # Simulate BRIGHTNESS\_UP (action)
Follow the "How-to" SSH into your iMac with no password so you can trigger the command from your main machine. I'm using Raycast.↓ ↓
ssh username@imac.local "zsh ~/"
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