Archive for March 2024

Next steps?

Hey everyone,

Machine: Mid 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 3.33 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon 32 GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 ATI Radeon HD 5770

Had a hard drive failure and was having issues getting an OS on it. Ended up getting Open Core Legacy Patcher Big Sur.

I have a Radeon RX580 I used to have in it that I want to put back in it.

I also have a dual tray, 2x X5690, and 96GB of Ram coming.

What should my next steps be for upgrading the OS? Are there videos I could watch? Is there an order I should do it in? Just wait until I have the new stuff and do it then?

Thanks for any and all help!

submitted by /u/Parzival_RP1
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Hackintosh HDMI i3 5005U, HD 5500. HELP!!!

I created a hackintosh on my laptop with opencore, only now as soon as I connect the laptop to the monitor via HDMI the screen remains black. I have an i3 5005U HD 5500 graphics card. How can I solve the problem?

submitted by /u/Ok_Solution_6900
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Kernel panic when waking up computer

On my hackintosh when I put my computer to sleep and then wake it up I get fan spin and keyboard backlight but no monitor output. When I presss the reset button on the computer to reboot I recieve a crash report. My hardware is as following: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 CPU, AMD RX 6600, MSI b550 pro vc wifi, and 16gb corsair vegence memory. Everything else on the hackintosh is working flawlessly but waking up from sleep. Any help in resolving this issue is highly appreciated.

This is the output of the crash report:

panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff7fac995ca6): "[45:0:0][PPLIB] Failed Power Play Resume. Shutting back down. TTL Error Message: {58888810930:[45:0:0] Error PSP: event_id=0x100211 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x2 pData=0 data_size=0 [FW] psp_bootloader_load: failed

}{58888892980:[45:0:0] TTL Event source_id=2, event_id=0x900c0401, event_info:type= 3,hw_id=0 : swip_client_id= 6, swip_event_id=5 : (SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__PSP,EVENT__POWER_UP)} --> {58888810930:[45:0:0] Error PSP: event_id=0x100211 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x2 pData=0 data_size=0 [FW] psp_bootloader_load: failed

}{58888892980:[45:0:0] TTL Event source_id=2, event_id=0x900c0401, event_info:type= 3,hw_id=0 : swip_client_id= 6, swip_event_id=5 : (SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__PSP,EVENT__POWER_UP)}.

" u/AmdRadeonController.cpp:2022

Panicked task 0xffffff8b735aabf8: 217 threads: pid 0: kernel_task

Backtrace (CPU 6), panicked thread: 0xffffff8b7423a0c8, Frame : Return Address

0xffffffa0814f3820 : 0xffffff801fa6fc7d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x4ad

0xffffffa0814f3870 : 0xffffff801fbc4294 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x114

0xffffffa0814f38b0 : 0xffffff801fbb3da7 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x3b7

0xffffffa0814f3900 : 0xffffff801fa10971 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xc1

0xffffffa0814f3920 : 0xffffff801fa6ff5d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x5d

0xffffffa0814f3a10 : 0xffffff801fa6f607 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x1a7

0xffffffa0814f3a70 : 0xffffff80201dad7b mach_kernel : _panic + 0x84

0xffffffa0814f3b60 : 0xffffff7fac995ca6 : __ZN34AMDRadeonX6000_AmdRadeonController10doGPUPanicEPKcz + 0x1c2

0xffffffa0814f3c70 : 0xffffff7fac958640 : __ZN33AMDRadeonX6000_AmdPowerPlayHelper4wakeEv + 0xc0

0xffffffa0814f3cb0 : 0xffffff7fac9954d6 : __ZN34AMDRadeonX6000_AmdRadeonController4wakeEv + 0xa4

0xffffffa0814f3ce0 : 0xffffff7fac9784ed : __ZN35AMDRadeonX6000_AmdRadeonFramebuffer6doWakeEv + 0x5b

0xffffffa0814f3d00 : 0xffffff7fac978429 : __ZN35AMDRadeonX6000_AmdRadeonFramebuffer19setSystemPowerStateENS_15AmdFbPowerStateE + 0x1f

0xffffffa0814f3d20 : 0xffffff7fac97822b : __ZN35AMDRadeonX6000_AmdRadeonFramebuffer18doPowerStateChangeENS_15AmdFbPowerStateE + 0x43

0xffffffa0814f3d50 : 0xffffff7fb57cd419 : __ZN13IOFramebuffer14checkPowerWorkEj + 0x27d

0xffffffa0814f3df0 : 0xffffff7fb57cd176 : __ZN14IOFBController14checkPowerWorkEj + 0x9a

0xffffffa0814f3e20 : 0xffffff7fb57d42ef : __ZN13IOFramebuffer10systemWorkEP8OSObjectP22IOInterruptEventSourcei + 0x10f

0xffffffa0814f3ed0 : 0xffffff80201132e3 mach_kernel : __ZN22IOInterruptEventSource12checkForWorkEv + 0x113

0xffffffa0814f3f20 : 0xffffff8020111ade mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop15runEventSourcesEv + 0x12e

0xffffffa0814f3f60 : 0xffffff8020111127 mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop10threadMainEv + 0x37

0xffffffa0814f3fa0 : 0xffffff801fa1019e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e

Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[718E01CF-8B05-3042-88F4-DE3441395D00]@0xffffff7fb57c1000->0xffffff7fb57effff






Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff8b7423a0c8): kernel_task

Boot args: alcid=28 keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 agdpmod=pikera amfi=0x80

Mac OS version:


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Mon Feb 19 19:48:53 PST 2024; root:xnu-8796.141.3.704.6~1/RELEASE_X86_64

Kernel UUID: 8FA1B0A8-5DC1-3601-9D60-FC75DBA31F21

roots installed: 0

KernelCache slide: 0x000000001f600000

KernelCache base: 0xffffff801f800000

Kernel slide: 0x000000001f6dc000

Kernel text base: 0xffffff801f8dc000

__HIB text base: 0xffffff801f700000

System model name: iMacPro1,1 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)

System shutdown begun: NO

Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 62894677232

Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano

Uptime : 0x0000000ea4d09f84

Sleep : 0x0000000bb82be876 0x00000012073c7bd4 0x0000000000000000

Wake : 0x0000000bca9a8d81 0x00000001074ea5ae 0x0000000bca283ac1

Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space

Zone info:

Zone map: 0xffffff803ed26000 - 0xffffffa03ed26000

. PGZ : 0xffffff803ed26000 - 0xffffff8040d27000

. VM : 0xffffff8040d27000 - 0xffffff850d526000

. RO : 0xffffff850d526000 - 0xffffff86a6d26000

. GEN0 : 0xffffff86a6d26000 - 0xffffff8b73526000

. GEN1 : 0xffffff8b73526000 - 0xffffff903fd26000

. GEN2 : 0xffffff903fd26000 - 0xffffff950c526000

. GEN3 : 0xffffff950c526000 - 0xffffff99d8d26000

. DATA : 0xffffff99d8d26000 - 0xffffffa03ed26000

Metadata: 0xffffffbca5fe4000 - 0xffffffbcc5fe4000

Bitmaps : 0xffffffbcc5fe4000 - 0xffffffbcc8fe4000

Extra : 0 - 0

submitted by /u/twoenormouscats470
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Thanks to opencore legacy i now run Sonoma on my Mid 2012 pro with 10 gb ram and a SSD.

My question is, when a Update is avaliable for iOS does it automaticly become avaliable for opencore patcher? What about new Os?

submitted by /u/MadsLaursen16
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Quick question about usb mapping

I'm trying to hackintosh new system, it is Gigabyte Z590 Vision G motherboard, and I'm mapping USB now. I have couple of questions: 1. I have ITE Device at Port 13, I assume it is some internal USB device, do I need to map it at all or just ignore, and if yes, what's the reason? What kind of device it is? 2. Also I have ALC 4080(ALC1220 as i google it) it is a USB Audio device, so I also need to map it. Do I need to map it as internal device? Do I need AppleALC.kext for this to work, with what settings? (I found only ALCS1220A in supported codecs. Is it different or the same?) 3. I have USB Realtek Bluetooth 5.0 VID_0BDA&PID_8771 will it even work, for example if I map it at specific "internal" port?

Please help me make things clear

submitted by /u/tzamihavar
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ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506HC_FX

Hi everyone, I would like to ask for help to convert this model into a hackintosh, and doing it having a Linux distro as main OS.

Thank you

submitted by /u/KyokaC6H12O6
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Can I use a Lenovo Yoga 2?

Specs are 8GB ram, 256GB SSD, Intel i5 4xxxU, HD intel 4000 graphics

submitted by /u/jeep_dude_1
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Ryzen 8600g

There's a way to hackintosh The amd ryzen 8600g?

submitted by /u/Hot-Principle-9749
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Error on Boot: "OCS: No schema for Path at 3 Index, context !"

This error message shows up every time I boot my hack, only for a few seconds before the boot picker shows up. Besides that, everything works and the system boots fine. I tried using ocvalidate to investigate the issue, but it says I have to be on OC 0.9.9 (I already am on OC 0.9.9).

Any insight on this would be highly appreciated, thanks!

submitted by /u/AerosolSpray
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No WiFi or ethernet connection in Ventura using OCLP 1.2.1

I've upgraded my mid-2010 iMac from High Sierra to Ventura using OCLP 1.2.1 and it appears to be working fine in general. The computer had been upgraded to 12GB RAM and it runs smoothly. But unfortunately WiFi and ethernet are not getting any internet connections.

I've used OCLP to do the Post-Install patching (after I installed KDK 13.6.5) and the install log appeared to show WiFi installing correctly. But it hasn't made any difference. No WiFi networks are found and plugging in internet from an ethernet cable shows no sign of having any effect either.

After the Post-Install patching I also tried plugging in a more recent USB WiFi dongle, and I've tried manually entering the WiFi connection details. Once again, they made no difference.

Any suggestions what I can try next?

submitted by /u/lancelongstiff
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chromebook macos

so i installed mrchromebox’s custom rom for chromebook

is it possible to install macos 14 sonoma on a chromebook with that rom

submitted by /u/hihellowb
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Lenovo Thinkpad X1C5 6300U - SUCCESS

Lenovo Thinkpad X1C5 6300U - SUCCESS

Lenovo X1 Carbon 5th Gen running Sonoma 14.3.1. Had to use offline installer. Used gibMacosx to download and a make to write a key.

CPU: Intel i5-6300U

GPU: Intel 520
Motherboard/Laptop Make and Model: X1C5 Lenovo X1 Carbon 5th Gen
Audio Codec: CX8200
Ethernet Card: Intel
Wifi/BT Card: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265

Touchpad and touch display devices: Trackpoint / Synaptics
BIOS revision: 1.65

Everything Works!

submitted by /u/SacredDoge
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Sonoma VMware is extremely slow even after VMware Tools

I dedicated 16GB of RAM (from 32) and 4 core CPU (from 10) but it's still so laggy and slow.

submitted by /u/Artaherzadeh
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NetbookInstaller 20100616212351 - anyone still has this app?

This is a shot in the dark. But I'm currently reviving my old Dell Insprion Mini 10v and am desperately on the hunt for a specific NetbookInstaller version ( NetbookInstaller 20100616212351 ). Since mydellmini isn't online anymore, I can't find it anywhere (except for dead dropbox links..)

So does anybody still have this specific version lying around somewhere?

submitted by /u/sattleda
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Hackintosh Sleep/Wake Issue Troubleshooting Guide

To troubleshoot the issue of your Hackintosh crashing when waking up from sleep, follow these steps:

  1. Check Hardware Compatibility:

    • Ensure that all your hardware components, including CPU, GPU, and motherboard, are compatible with macOS and Hackintosh setups.
  2. Update Kexts and Drivers:

    • Make sure you have the latest versions of essential Hackintosh kexts (kernel extensions) installed, especially those related to graphics (e.g., Lilu, WhateverGreen) and power management (e.g., VirtualSMC, ACPIBatteryManager).
  3. Check BIOS/UEFI Settings:

    • Access your BIOS/UEFI settings and verify that the settings related to power management, CPU states (e.g., C-states), and ACPI are configured correctly. Ensure that any power-saving features are compatible with macOS.
  4. Verify Config.plist Settings:

    • Review your OpenCore or Clover config.plist settings and ensure that they are properly configured for your hardware. Pay attention to settings related to ACPI, power management, and device properties.
  5. Test with Different SMBIOS:

    • Experiment with different SMBIOS profiles to see if changing the system definition helps resolve the issue. Try selecting a Mac model with similar hardware characteristics to your Hackintosh.
  6. Disable Hardware Acceleration:

    • Temporarily disable hardware acceleration features, such as GPU acceleration, to see if they are causing conflicts with sleep/wake functionality. You can disable GPU acceleration by injecting a compatible framebuffer or using boot arguments to disable GPU drivers temporarily.
  7. Reset NVRAM:

    • Reset the NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory) on your Hackintosh by pressing the appropriate key combination during startup (usually Command + Option + P + R). This can sometimes resolve issues related to system settings and configurations.
  8. Check System Logs:

    • Review system logs using the Console app to identify any error messages or warnings related to the sleep/wake process. Look for kernel panic reports or entries that indicate hardware or driver issues.
  9. Test Without Extra Peripherals:

    • Disconnect any external peripherals (such as USB devices, monitors, or audio interfaces) from your Hackintosh and test the sleep/wake functionality again. Sometimes, incompatible peripherals can cause issues with system stability.
  10. Community Support and Forums:

    • Seek assistance from Hackintosh community forums, such as InsanelyMac or Reddit's Hackintosh subreddit, where experienced users can provide further guidance and troubleshooting tips based on your specific hardware configuration.

By following these steps and systematically troubleshooting the issue, you can hopefully resolve the problem of your Hackintosh crashing when waking up from sleep.

Hackintosh crashing when waking up from sleep.When I put my hackintosh to sleep my monitor turns off then my computer goes to sleep, then when I wake up the system my keyboard backlight turns on and my monitor does not get a signal. When i reboot the computer I get the following report:

panic(cpu 10 caller 0xffffff7faaf95ca6): "[45:0:0][PPLIB] Failed Power Play Resume. Shutting back down. TTL Error Message: {196044323987:[45:0:0] Error PSP: event_id=0x100211 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x2 pData=0 data_size=0 [FW]...

Read more

Tripple boot possible? Sonoma/win11/Kali on HP Z book?

Have quite powerful Notebook and it would be cool to have access to all worlds.

submitted by /u/vendo232
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Tripple boot possible? Sonoma/Windows/Linux on HP Z book

Need Help installing Hackintosh

Hi, im trying to install Hackintosh for the first time, however I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. When I try to boot from the USB the OpenCore Menu shows up but only lets me pick "NO NAME" and errors when I select it. I looked through the log file and found a few errors that seem to be whats wrong, but I need help identifying the problem.

My HW:

Intel i5-6600 (Skylake)

Sapphire RX580 (Polaris)


OCSB: No IMG4 found - Not Found

OC: Boot failed - Invalid Parameter

OCB: StartImage failed - Invalid Parameter

Entire Log:

My config.plist

Thanks for all the help!

submitted by /u/RandomGuy077
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Can't connect to macOS when Find My network enabled

Can't connect to macOS when Find My network enabled

So, I have install macOS Monterey in my laptop and when i enable Find My network in my AirPods Pro (2nd Generation), It can't connect, but It can connect normally when I disable it. I'm using BCM94352HMB. Is there anyway to fix it ?

submitted by /u/KhanhNDK
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How in the Fucking World did OpenCore + MacOS Sonoma Eat 25% of my Battery Capacity in 1 Month?!?!?!

How in the Fucking World did OpenCore + MacOS Sonoma Eat 25% of my Battery Capacity in 1 Month?!?!?!

Title says it all, 2015 MBP quad core I7 amd R9 DG. I Use this computer pretty regularly and Push it to it's limits, but I treat it like a baby. It gets charged to 80 and drained to 20 religiously, never dies, and never gets left on when not in use. I Recently Decided to install MacOS Sonoma Using OCLP moving from MacOS Mojave, and I've loved the Update except for how resource heavy it is and how much faster it drained my battery. Being on Mojave my Battery Health would Drain a couple 10ths of a Percent a Month at the absolute most. I'm completely shocked and didn't know it was even possible for a Battery to loose almost 25% capacity in a Month, but the numbers do not lie. It's Obvious that this Health Loss is the fault of either Sonoma/OCLP or a combination of the two, considering this battery had been used prior for over a year with 0 issues, and only showed signed of deterioration after installing Sonoma w/OCLP. Again, I understand it's an issue with the Software, but what could that possibly be? I can't fathom how anything could kill the Batttery Capacity at that scale and speed, but I'd love to hear what you guys think.

submitted by /u/Iiked
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Sonoma 14.3.1 on X1C5 6300u - No audio


I was able to install OpenCore on a X1C5 6300u with GMA 520. Everything appears to be working fine except Audio. It uses a CX11871 Audio Codec and other users have been able to get it to work with other variants of Opencore.

Here is my repo:

and a repo of someone who got it to work.

Other repo:

How do I go about implementing in opencore? How do I patch it or point to the appropriate config?


submitted by /u/SacredDoge
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Sonoma 14.4.41 upgrade keeps failing

Hi all, as I'm trying to upgrade from Sonoma 14.4 to 14.4.1, the process fails with the error message an error occurred while preparing the installation. Has someone faced the same issue? Where should I look around to fix it?

submitted by /u/ChoZeur
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No display out when booting into Recovery on Optiplex 3080 Micro

Hi everyone!

Having trouble trying to boot my Ventura install USB from my Dell Optiplex 3080 Micro. It seems to run through the verbose just fine but then proceeds to boot into a black screen. However keyboard caps lock works and the PC will even go to sleep after not touching anything for a while, making me think that it is booting into the installer and simply not displaying anything. Logs are ending at #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] however watching the verbose it seems to go straight past that without issues.

Things I've tried are:
- Changing AAPL,ig-platform-id as 070093BE can allegedly cause black screens
- Trying both DP and HDMI outputs and even running both into two separate monitors
- Remapping USB ports using USBTool a dozen times, and using XHCIPortLimit instead just in case
- Using RU.efi to change DVMT allocation to 64MB (and disabling CFG Lock while I was at it)

PC Specs are:
- CPU: Intel Core i7 10700t (10500t also tried, no luck)
- RAM: 32GB 2667Mhz DDR4 (8, 16GB also tried, no luck)
- MOBO: Dell B460
- SSD: SK Hynix 512GB NVMe (2TB SATA SSD also tried, no luck)
- Ethernet: Realtek Gigabit
- WiFi/BT: N/A
- BIOS: 2.23.1

Not sure what to do at this point and it's starting to make me tear my hair out. I'm hoping I haven't missed something super simple!

Here's the EFI folder:\_link)

And here's the most recent OpenCore log:

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Black4334
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OLCP 1.4.2 Mac OS Sonoma freezes randomly and restart

OLCP 1.4.2 Mac OS Sonoma freezes randomly and restart

The problem is, my mac always freezes randomly at some points and I have to manually restart it by pressing the power button for a few seconds until it shuts down.

This might be just me, but anyway I found a fix!
You need to disable the AirportBrcmFixup.kext, we don''t need this kext because it is for non-native Airport Broadcom Wi-Fi cards.

I am running Mac OS Sonoma on Macbook Pro late 2016, no freeze detected since AirportBrcmFixup.kext is disabled.
The OLCP team should check this post to be aware of this issue.

submitted by /u/Phenek94
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Target Display Mode problems iMac 27'' A1312

Hi all,

I recently upgraded the GPU of my iMac to an Firepro M5100 and installed Monterey using OCLP. Before TDM was working fine when the machine was running High Sierra. Others report that TDM still works on Monterey and Ventura using OCLP but for me it doesn't. When i connect my laptop and press CMD+F2 the screen goes black for a moment and then comes back to the desktop. Sometimes it stays black and my laptop initializes the second screen but then nothing happens and the screen on the iMac stays black until i press CMD+F2 again to go back to the desktop.

Does anyone else have the same experience and is there a way to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/RyzenMac
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Dell Latitude E6220 - My first Hackintosh

Technically this isn't my first hackintosh, but it's the first one I've configured & setup. It runs macOS Catalina 10.15.7, and a MacBookPro8,1 SMBios

This was a mass hassle to get working, and I could have not done this without the help of u/mattyrugg. He helped me with most of the difficult and obscure things, thank you so much!

I've forgotten most of the things I've to get this work, but I used Catalina Patcher (Post Install) to get Graphic Acceleration working, as OCLP's Post-Install patches were graded out.

What's working:

  • Built-in keyboard *
  • Graphic Acceleration **
  • USB
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • Volume keys
  • Battery indicator
  • Sleep
  • Power management

What's not working:

  • Touchpad ***
  • Lid close (hardware issue)
  • Built-in speakers
  • Brightness buttons

Not tested:

  • HDMI
  • VGA
  • Ethernet
  • SD-Card
  • ExpressCard
  • Headphone jack
  • E-Sata port

*: The keyboard has a strange issue where it stops registering clicks for a few seconds
**: The Graphic Acceleration is slow, until the device goes to sleep and wakes up.
***: It did work at some point, but after finishing my config, it didn't. I'll try to fix that next

CPU: i7-2640m @ 2,8GHz
GPU: Intel HD 3000
RAM: 10GB DDR3 @ 1333mhz
Motherboard/Laptop Make and Model: Dell Latitude
Wifi/BT Card: DW1530
Touchpad: Some ALPS Trackpad, that is not the greatest
BIOS revision: A19

submitted by /u/Nex_On_Reddit
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Computer freezes if left idle

Computer freezes if left idle

I have a macbook A1342 6.1, 2,26GHZ C2D. I’ve installed Big Sur with OpenCore legacy patcher. NOT SURE IF THIS HAPPENED BEFORE OR NOT. I got it basically free and it was a timecapsule from 2011, with 10.6.8 and everything from 2011(kept that hdd) Ive used it a bit on 10.6 to make sure its alright, then i just put the SSD in it. The ram is 4GB of 1066mhz ram. Although it is not new, so I would love to know if I can somehow test it. It works well apart from 2 issues. One is that on every boot i get the choice where to boot from, insteadof automatically booting into MacOS 2nd issue is bigger. If i let it idle for some hours, beit in sleepmode or just open on some app, after some time i will find it completely frozen and in need of restart. If i am constantly working on it.. movie, excel, whatever it is, it works perfectly. Only happens when left idle. I am thinking this could be RAM-Related? Are there any apps that help me check the health of RAM modules? The storage in it is a new SSD. Also overheating is not an issue. Everything works with new thermal paste applied. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EGRvalve31
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Kernel panic upon sleep 14.4

Getting things going with a new system. I have some issues I'm not expecting.

Asus z790 proart creator wifi I9 149000k 32gb Corsair vengeance rgb 6400mhz ddr5 Corsair h150i rgb AIO Crucial T700 1TB Gen5 NVMe M.2 Stock graphics but I also have a MSI Gaming Radeon RX 580 256-bit 4GB GDRR5. Used them both.

I had to flash the bios for ddr5 support, there was an update last week to improve ddr5 support and after flashing the BIOS my corsair vengeance rgb 6400mhz would POST. Before, it would hang on yellow led ( check memory) with XMP enabled.

2nd problem: the famous issues hackintosh has seemingly always had with sleep mode. Is there a missing kext for that? Kernel paniced pretry hard 😝 When attempting to sleep, it reset just now then the red LED stays for a while and it fails POST. Eventually, it restarted saying the system had posted in safe mode and a message about checking hardware. It did this the first time I booted with XMP enabled before updating bios but would hang on yellow.

I don't know if flashing the bios changed a setting needed for Mac OS?

When I got the message about posting in safe mode and I turn the system off and back on again it booted halfway then restarted, gave a message about a system error in Mac OS and restarted another time. Then it booted up.

When I got to the desktop it gave me the error message to report a problem from Macos to Apple and it includes a panic, "third-party nvme controller command timeout".

Is this all related to sleep? Any advice is appreciated. Other than that it seems to work normally.

Hopefully this is just a kernel panic with the sleep and I just need to update a text or something.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Greedy_Count_8578
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Is there still no way to repair DRM on only intel laptops ?

Do you encounter with this ?

submitted by /u/Careful_Performer_78
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Anyone install windows after building their hackintosh? How to install properly?

I was wondering whats the best way to install windows after installing hackintosh? Is there a way to have a hackintosh and windows on the same nvme?

I built a iso usb for windows 11 but im scared to click install, cuz it might wipe my nvme that has my hackintosh stuff in.

Anyone know what to do? Thanks.

submitted by /u/swiggyu
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Coming from older system, what software do you all use?

So I just updated to Samona from High Sierra… what software and hidden features/tips do you all use/have? I’ll go first: Transmission/express vpn - file downloads Simple comic - comic book viewer Fontlab 8 - font design (pricey) VLC - video playback Firefox with ad block - web browsing Flux - filters out blue light at night. Carbon copy cloner. - clone hard drive for backup.

Your turn! What do you guys use?

submitted by /u/ZenDesign1993
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Got this error on my late 2008 after installing ventura

Got this error on my late 2008 after installing ventura

Can someone help?

submitted by /u/No_Midnight2363
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macOS Sometimes Boots and Sometimes Doesn't - Sonoma 14.4

Hi everyone,

Firstly, I wanted to say sorry if I messed up any of the formatting or information needed, I'm new here and don't really know what I'm doing.

I seem to have this problem after updating to Sonoma from Ventura where if I reboot the system or boot it up, most of the time it won't boot either resulting in a reboot/bootloop or a black screen. I think it might have some relation to the "Stuck on or near IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLock.../gIOLockState (3..." section on the OpenCore guide, as I do see that message, but none of those fixes to seem to have helped. The weirdest part is that sometimes, if I reboot enough, it will eventually boot so I don't know what is changing in between boots. I'll post my EFI but let me know if there is any other information needed.

Thanks in Advance!


submitted by /u/RexNotRex1
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Apple Watch Unlock

Hello all,

I'm sorry if this post is sounding like a broken record, but I'm fairly new at this, so here goes. Recently used OCLP to update my Mac mini (late 2012) i7 to Sonoma. Everything works flawlessly. But, I've seen a few posts in here suggesting some have gotten the Apple Watch unlock to work on the Lock Screen. Can anyone confirm this? Also is this possible with my hardware? And do you know how I would do it? Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Ok-Ingenuity-2858
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Do I enable SIP after Horndis

Hi guys I wanted to ask whether I enable the SIP on my mac after installing the tether driver? Or will installing it stop the code from working? I appreciate help on this.

submitted by /u/Hoomanbeanfrommars
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success (ish) on macOS catalina 10.15.7

success (ish) on macOS catalina 10.15.7

whats working and whats not working:

whats working: ethernet shut down/restart iServices (sort of) USB (already mapped) headphones/speaker jacks CPU Power management

whats not working: gpu acceleration (non compatible gpu) booting without usb

pc specs:

motherboard: gsuo h61v10c ethernet nic: realtek rtl8139 (using rtl8100 kext works fine without issues) ssd: kingston 480 gb (using for macOS), pny cs900 240gb (using for backup) cpu: i5 3470 gpu: rtx 2060 (might get a gtx 750 ti or rx 580) (give me a cheap gpu suggestion because here in my country everything is expensive) sound card: realtek ALC662

when i mounted the efi partition, there was no efi folder so i copied and pasted the efi folder on my usb to the partition, when i tried to reboot without usb, it gave this error "Reboot and select proper boot device Or insert boot media in selected boot drive and press a key" (used mountefi/esp mounter pro), did i miss something in the guide? or do i need to format the ssd to a different format? currently formated as APFS.

submitted by /u/CalligrapherOk6710
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Install Question

So I upgraded my Early 2009 Mac mini to Monterey using OCLP, I followed the tutorial and all went well everything seems to be working well, I know have a 2011 iMac on the way will I be able to install Monterey onto this using the thumb drive as it is or is the build created specific to the hardware it is created on. Or will I be better just creating a fresh thumb drive on the iMac when it arrives?

submitted by /u/sdc1985
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VirtualBox HighSierra error pls help

VirtualBox HighSierra error pls help

Hello im new at machintosh and i wanna try HighSierra on VirtualBox. But the boot screen stuck.What can i do? I dont know anything about it. I using intel i5 and gtx1050 (laptop)

submitted by /u/Demirkols
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Sonoma install

Can your guys share the links for install Sonoma OS with my windows 10 pc, thanks..

GPU 3080Ti

submitted by /u/pldtn
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Problem with OpenCore configuration

Problem with OpenCore configuration

Hey everyone,

First off, here is the information that I see is commonly asked for on forums:

  • I'm on a Dell Latitude 5500 with an intel i5 8th Generation(Coffee Lake)

  • Secure Boot is Disables

  • SATA Configuration is set to AHCI

I started the adventure of installing MacOS on Windows a few days ago, after a couple of hours (more than I'd like to admit I) finally finished the OpenCore guide and the youtube video I was watching following it, I was pretty confident everything would work since I had followed the guide very carefully but when I went to my boot menu there was nothing there. I could see the normal windows boot option, the ubtunu boot option, but not the OpenCore boot option that should appear (I did make sure the USB was properly plugged in and that the problem wasn't with the USB port). I went back into linux mint, rewatached the entire youtube video to make sure i did not miss anything and reread the guide but still i could not find anything. I thought that I might have formated/setup the USB wrong so I transfered my files to another usb, redid that process, and transfered the files back onto it. I went back into the Boot Menu but still nothing. I then went on to check my config.plist file for errors and it gave me two. The first one said that I was missing my HfsPlus.efi and OpenRuntime.efi files in my Drivers section under UEFI, but I checked and they are there and in the Drivers folder in the USB stick. The second (type of) error it gave me was that i did not have the correct number of settings in the ProtocolOverrides and Input section but i don't understand that as the guide does not mention anything about it. I apologize if this is a dumb mistake and so simple that it is not worthy of a post on here but I am really stuck.

Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/No_Part_8682
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