Showing posts with label mlm. Show all posts
iATKOS MLM [Apple Computers]
apple mlm

Here is iATKOS MLM, which is only for Apple computers! iATKOS MLM >> iATKOS ML for Macs >> Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 install...

Multi GPUs and iAtkos MLM 10.8.2
fix gpu

If you use multiple GT2xx core and newer nVidia VGA cards on your computer, then do not use VGA sensor plugin (GPUSensors.kext in this examp...

GPU Support for iAtkos MLM 10.8.2
gpu ml

10.8.2 supports nVidia gpus from G80 core to the newest kepler series ( [LINK] ). This does not mean that all of them will work of course bu...