Polaris GPU Patches Fail Mac Pro 5,1 HP rx460 OEM Ventura [SOLUTION]

Ah, the good ol' Polaris GPU patches! They can be a real pain, especially with an HP RX460 on a Mac Pro 5,1. Don't sweat it; we'll get through this.

  • Double-Check Your macOS Version: Make sure you're running a macOS version that should play nicely with Polaris, like Sierra (10.12.6) or later.
  • Find the Right Patches: There are multiple Polaris patches out there. Look for a version specifically for your GPU and Mac Pro model.
  • Edit Config.plist Carefully: Your config.plist must be configured properly for your system. A small mistake can lead to failure.
  • Community Support: Hackintosh forums have a wealth of knowledge. Don't be shy about asking for help there. Chances are someone else faced the same issue and solved it.
  • Consider an Alternative GPU: If all else fails, consider switching to another GPU known to work well with Hackintosh builds.

It's a tough one, but with some patience, you'll crack it! Good luck! Feel free to come back if you need more assistance.
Polaris GPU Patches Fail Mac Pro 5,1 HP rx460 OEM Ventura submitted by /u/iYeetz
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