OCS: No schema errors after adjusting the config.plist as per sanity check

I'm getting the following messages before arriving to the bootpicker menu.

00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for AllowNvramReset at 0 index, context <Security>!

00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for LegacyEnable at 2 index, context <NVRAM>!

00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for AdviseWindows at 5 index, context <Generic>!

00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for KeyMergeThreshold at 2 index, context <Input>!

00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for AppleEvent at 3 index, context <ProtocolOverrides>!

submitted by /u/gedelakumar
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