Success: Big Sur 11.2.3 on GA-H270N-WIFI with Intel Core i3-7100, OpenCore 0.6.7

Success: Big Sur 11.2.3 on GA-H270N-WIFI with Intel Core i3-7100, OpenCore 0.6.7

CPU: Intel Core i3-7100; Kaby Lake

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 630

RAM: 8GB 2133MHz DDR4

Motherboard Model: Gigabyte GA-H270N-WIFI

BIOS revision: F8d

Motherboard Model Website:

Audio Codec: Realtek ALC1220

Ethernet Card: Intel Ethernet Dual GbE LAN I219-V (only one of the two ports works, the one beside the USB-C port doesn’t work)

Wifi/BT Card: Intel Wireless 8265/ 8275 (comes with the MB)

Other installed OSs: Windows 10 20H2 v2, Ubuntu 20.04.2

Guides used:

Dortania’s OpenCore Install Guide.

What's working:

- iGPU with full acceleration.

- Sound.

- Ethernet

- Wifi and bluetooth. (I’m using the stock builtin card that comes with the motherboard)

- AirPort, AirDrop

- iMessages, Facetime

- All USB ports; USB3, USB-C, USB2

What isn’t working:

- Sleep

- Chime sound at the loading of OpenCore OS picker

  • Notes:
  • Troubleshooting iGPU with full acceleration

I followed the Dortania’s guide to the letter, then checked the USB I made by that guide. Everything went great except when it reaches the recovery setup ‘language choice’ screen, the screen goes black. I found that the SMBIOS is the problem. iMac18,1 caused me troubles.

I changed that to MacPro6,1 and the setup goes very smooth.

In OpenCore config.plist, in DeviceProperties section, I added this:

PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) layout-id Data <00001259> 
  • Fixing the ethernet connection

After finishing installing Big Sur 11.2.2, I found that I don’t have internet connection. After trying the other port, the internet is on. The motherboard has two ports, only one port works. The one that is beside the USB-C is not working. The kext IntelMausi.kext is used for the ethernet connection Intel Ethernet I219-V.

  • Fixing sound:
  • By following the guide of fixing sound, I got sound. I use the green aux output, and I choose Internal Speaker as my output device in Sound Preferences.
  • In OpenCore config.plist, in DeviceProperties section, I added this:

PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3) layout-id Data <21> 
  • Wifi and Bluetooth:

I only needed to add three kexts files in the Kexts folder.

AirportItlwm.kext, IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext and IntelBluetoothInjector.kext

  • Sidenote: Ubuntu grub menu

When I put the driver file CrScreenshotDxe.efi in Drivers folder of OpenCore to screenshots of the OS picker, keyboard keys are disabled at the grub menu of Ubuntu. I removed the file and got the grub menu working normally.

  • USB Mapping

I used Hackintool to map my USB ports. Then added SSDT-EC-USBX.aml and SSDT-UIAC.aml in ACPI folder. Also USBPorts.kext.

boot args:

keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid=21 

Final thought:

This is not my first hackintosh, but it could be the best. If anyone here can help to fix sleep and chime sound of OC picker, I’ll be thankful.

My Hackintosh

submitted by /u/RedBirdiii
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