No internet/ethernet during first ever boot/install. Asrock Extreme4 z370. Intel Gigabit LAN help!!

Unsure what Kexts to install or settings to change!

I can get into the initial setup of MacOS but as I am about to proceed after the "reinstall MacOS" I get a message that says I have no internet connection. I go into internet settings and I have an Int(eth0) but no data is connecting to it.

I have what my motherboard maker says is a "Intel Gigabit Lan" and I haven't had a lot of insight on what that means. I see on this subreddit a guy with a fix but instead of updating what he did he says go check the hackintosh discord. I asked there but wanted to double check here.

Running 8700k, 16gb ram. Catalina and most modern OS and gibMacOS or whatever its called.

submitted by /u/DumbDumbGoodbye
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