Lenovo C470 - Internet Installer (Recovery) - BCM94352 or Realtek LAN not detected.

Hello. I've recently started tinkering with Hackintosh after a long time of not touching it. I wanted to see if I could get Catalina up and running on a slightly old PC I have. It's a Lenovo C470 which is in all in one desktop that in this context I choose to consider a laptop since it technically shares more in common with a laptop than a proper desktop. Some of the guides I've seen differentiate laptops and desktops.

The system contains a Haswell i3-4010U CPU which integrates Intel HD Graphics 4400. The Ethernet is from the Realtek RTL 81xx series but I wasn't able to determine an exact model (not sure it matters). The wireless was some sort of Realtek card but I since replaced it with a Broadcom BCM94352HMB mini PCIe card that I bought upon advice from the wireless buyers guide. The motherboard is OEM and I can't find any information about it online or from labels on the PCB itself. The driver for the chipset might suggest it has some kind of Intel chipset but I don't know anything further than that.

My limited understanding tells me that this computer could be a a fairly good candidate for Hackintosh. I had a go at getting things working and followed the internet installer guide since I don't have access to a real mac or a virtual machine of one. A part from a small issue with booting that I resolved by adding a 'SSDT-ECUSBX.aml' file from a forum post I saw into 'CLOVER/ACPI/patched' things went fine. I was able to boot into the macOS recovery/internet installer.

My problem starts though with getting an internet connection once the installer has booted. It always complains that it needs one to continue. I'm lead to believe that this comes out of network hardware not being detected properly. I was using the AirPortBrcmFixUp kext which was recommended by the internet installer guide for Broadcom cards. I also tried in troubleshooting lots of other different kexts and combinations of kexts relating to Broadcom but nothing I tried ended up working. I also read a Broadcom WiFi/Bluetooth guide which just ended up confusing me more. A lot of guides talk about putting things in '/Library/Extensions/' but I think that's assuming that you're not going down the internet installer route because I can't see how I would get to that.

I checked out Network Utility and it shows three interfaces but none of them are usable.

My next thought was to try getting Ethernet working instead just so I could at least get the installer going (I do need wireless though). Nothing worked there either, I tried all ethernet related kexts I could find. After that I didn't know what else to do.

I do feel like I'm missing something fundamental here but all I've been able to do is put different kexts into 'CLOVER/kexts/Other'. Is there something else I should be trying? I've tried looking it other posts but nothing I've found has been applicable to me.

Any help is really appreciated.

submitted by /u/BobbyJohnson69
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