HD4000 Laptop Display Problems (Tinted Screen) #GPU

Hello everybody,

I'm managed to install ML on my NP550P5C with GT630M and the biggest problem that i'm having with the graphics.

I've read all of the instructions on this page:

olarila.com ? View topic - Activando a nova Intel HD 4000 Mac OS X 10.7.5 /10.8

Patched my DSDT,generated EFI-string, ig-platform-id 16000004 seems to works fine for me(the others are not working,completely black screen or red flickering)


I can see that the graphics are enabled in System Info but there are tiny black and white lines on the screen and it's not showing properly.

Seems that I cannot fix that and I don't have any graphics options in my BIOS.

I took a photo for you to see, what it looks like


Please help ASAP, I'm trying about 2 weeks to get it solved but I can't..
