VIDEO: Creating a USB pen with iATKOS installation

Two solutions for how to create a boot able USB pen with iATKOS.

Method 1. – Use a retail iATKOS

1. Re-partition your usb pen as GUID and Mac OS file system
2. Restore the orginal OSX SL 10.6.0 image to the pen using Disk Utility’s restore function
3. Install the bootloader (attached to post) onto the usb pen – You can download it from below.
(Remember to select correct destination)
4. Extra the to the root of the USB drive (attached to post)
5. Boot and install =)

Method 2. – Using our premade image

* 8gb USB pen
* SLD430USB.img.bz2 image – (torrent attached to post)

NOTE: We don't encourage pirate copying OSX, its a great OS, do like the rest of us.. buy it.

iATKOS S3 v2:
- insert 8GB or more USB Pen drive


# diskutil list [ENTER]

expect to see something like this:



0: GUID_partition_scheme *200.0 GB disk0

1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 185.6 GB disk0s2

3: Apple_HFS Mac OS X Install DVD 13.9 GB disk0s3



0: FDisk_partition_scheme *8.0 GB disk2

1: Windows_FAT_32 8.0 GB disk2s1
… notice the /dev/disk2 this is my Pen drive… Your might be /dev/disk1 or /dev/disk3 etc

now unmount the pen drive by entering:

# sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 [ENTER]

now unpack and recover the image to /dev/rdisk2

# sudo bzcat SLD430USB.img.bz2 > /dev/rdisk2 [ENTER]

.. now this will take some time and the bad thing You won’t be seeing any countdown timer or anything. The reason this is taking so long is the file size and byte size = 4096. You can experiment with larger byte size by defining it in the las part of the command. I recovered the image by using bs=4096 and I’m sure it works. (try bs=8192 or bigger if You want and let us know if it worked for you)


Almost the same like in iATKOS.

# umount
# bzcat SLD430USB.img.bz2 >

Windows (Thank you jbell):

1. Download bzip2 for windows, bunzip the file
2. Download dd for windows LINK

and then run

dd –list (to find your usb drive)
dd bs=1M if=sld430usb.img of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0 –progress

Attached files:
Chameleon v2.0-RC5 r665.pkg
