SAMSUNG NVMe PM981 skill issue

Hello everyone! I was trying to hackintosh and I had a probloem of allways freezing randomly on instalation (couldnt finish install) so after a bunch of time I discorvered that was because I had a SAMSUNG NVMe that was PM981 based (ig thats how it says) (full NVMe name: SAMSUNG MZVLB1T0HBLR-000H1) that supposly is a big no no for hackintosh. So the solutions I found was buying a new NVMe M.2 (not possible in the moment), installing NVMeFix.kext (That I already had) and using KackrNVMeFamily...kext + SSDT-NVMe.aml, I tried that last one and did not work. Do you guys know any solution?

submitted by /u/PablitoMM666
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