Help with t460s with OC 0.9.9 Sonoma or Ventura

This is my first time attempting anything with building a hackintosh. I was following this github repo to use on one of my old t460s laptops.

The only difference with my t460s is I have a 1440 LCD and no touch. I can get into and past OC fine, but when the apple logo appears and the loading bar gets maybe 15% done, system reboots for Sonoma.

From Hardware Compatibility in the github Readme:

2. 1440p displays should change NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> UIScale:2 to get proper scaling while booting. 

However, I'm uncertain if this is correct? Opening the plist in OCAT I get a warning for another error. But I do not see UIScale where it is described. I tried adding, did not make a difference. Pic of OCAT:

OCAT also throws this error after loading the plist:

UEFI->Output->InitialMode is illegal (Can only be Auto, Text, or Graphics)! CheckUefi returns 1 error! 

Which I have also tried setting to 'Auto' with and without UIScale added and set to '2' under NVRAM 7C43.....C9F82 did not change anything either way, still rebooting when the loading bar on the apple logo gets maybe 15% or so.

Attempted to use Ventura, which boots into MacOS recovery without any issues. Since the wifi isn't working, I tried to apply the Ventura installer dmg image to my nvme, which applies without any issues. However I cannot boot at all. Acting like there's no EFI boot on the drive, doesn't attempt anything. Not sure if this is just some issue with the way I am installing or something else. Will mess with it more today.

I'm new to this, so I don't really know fully what I am doing. Just thought I would post this here if anything to relay some issues I have had and maybe someone down the line may find this information useful for reasons.

Running OC 0.9.9 tried with Sonoma and Ventura. Laptop is a t460s same specs as the readme, but non-touch and 1440p LCD. Have verified all bios settings match the settings described in the readme.

submitted by /u/Immediate-Office-696
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