SMBIOS - Can't sign into Apple Services

Hey all, got my install, connected to the Internet.

But when I tried to connect my apple id, I got an error saying "xxx_xxx_unavailable_me" or something like that, I've walked away from my computer cause I couldn't get it sorted.

I read that it could be that I had to fix my SMBIOS setup. So I was trying to do that with GenSMBIOS. Trying to validate serials was not straight forward. I never got the message the guide mentions. Just 'enter a valid serial number' or finding a real, in use, serial number. I assume the 'enter a valid serial number' is the expected result.

I updated my plist, but when I relaunched my install, I got the same error.

The computer does end up showing in 'My Devices' so I've had to remove it a couple times and try again. I'm worried I'm going to get my account locked at this rate though, so I'm hoping I can get some advice on this before I get locked out.

submitted by /u/YT__
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