OLCP 1.3/Sonoma on MacBook Air mid-2015 - lockscreen/login failure

Hello, posting this for guidance and possibly to help others: Despite reinstalling several times this is the only glitch on a otherwise fairly successful and fast working Sonoma install on a MacBook Air with only 4gb of RAM...When the screen goes to sleep the Lock Screen would not recognize any input, and just cycle through the login screen repeatedly. I would have to force a restart. Workaround is to change in Settings to "Login Window shows" Name and Password, rather than List of Users. Still get the attached 'login window quit unexpectedly' but at least I don't have to force a restart. Anyone got any way to stop this? Just based on past glitches with some software, I am wondering if it is due to getting the Canadian keyboard set up due to region - I have tried repeatedly to force it to only have US keyboard but despite deleting the Canadian keyboard, forcing only English - US as language, I still see "Canadian" on the Lock Screen. Just a theory.

submitted by /u/diarchys
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