Macbook Pro - problems with starting up

Hi guys,

I've got Macbook Pro 13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports. I bought it as used one but with new replaced (not original) battery. For a few months all was working perfectly but recently I am having start-up problems.

This what happens: most important it happens sometimes (!) but recently more and more frequently:

Macbook won't start.. I wait, wait, wait and see the 'no disc' icon. I close/open the screen but nothing happens. When I force shutdown him and start again: sometimes it helps and macbook starts fine, sometimes no and still see 'no disc' icon.

After many days of trying to find the reason i found the odd solution: when macbook is plugged in to power it always start without any problems.

When there is 'no disc' icon, the best solution for me is to plug it into power and then restart - always starts up correctly.

When macbook is already up and working, It never crashed, never got frozen and I can work hours on him using just battery and all works perfect.

When I close the lit to have a break and open it again, it is highly possible that macbook won't start.

Seems like some battery / voltage regulator issue but im not sure yet. I would to be more aware before providing mac to service.

Anyone had similar issue? Any ideas? Thoughts?

Would appreciate any comments.

submitted by /u/Ppepelko
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