opencore ventura on lenovo 720s 15ikb , need help: trackpad not working

opencore ventura on lenovo 720s 15ikb , need help: trackpad not working

First timer here, used dortania guide yesterday. Took me almost 20 hours to reach this point 🤣 Used a macbook pro to build the efi and bootable usb because I was afraid that the wireless card won't work on macos, but it worked (kudos to itlwm team)!

what works so far: - intel card ac9260 with bluetooth (AirportItlwm, bluetoolfix, openIntelWireless) - battery reading (but not charging, power source adapter 😪) - keyboard backlight - audio (tested with airpods pro) - keyboard - all usb port (including tb port, but act as usb 3) uded UsbTool and UsbTool mapper

what does not work: - trackpad (I guess I reached the point that I am okay with mouse) tried voodooRMI, voodooPS2, voodooSMbus, voodooI2c, voodooI2CHID, SSDT_XOSI (with patch _OSI to XOSI), SSDT_GPI0 nothing is working - airdrop not yet discovered (dont know why), used my iphone 13 pro max - battery not charging

submitted by /u/cupant
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