Issue with TV underscan/overscan on Mac Os… SOLVED

First of all I want to apologize for my english xd

Well I’m here because I want to tell you the problem that I had with my Hackintosh since I started.

My Pc is: I5-4590, 6 GB RAM DDR3, GT710 2GB DDR5 all in a Optiplex 3050 using a LCD Tv Phillips with HDMI

And that last was my big problem. The instalation was perfect, I dont had any problem with that (If someone want the EFI I cand send it) but my problem start with Underscan/Overscan of the screen. I try everything, until I found a solution. And this is it:

You dont need to do much, is really “easy” that script force RGB and with that u can change the resolution too.

Is for all the people that have a similar problem with wherever MacOs

Thanks for reading, and again sorry for my english. ✌🏻

submitted by /u/Soft-Cap-2297
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