Morgonaut & Hypervisor

I think Theresa is pretty cool. However I am curious, what does she mean when she’s talking about her Hypervisor solution? I know what a hypervisor is, and it’s obviously better than emulation, but what are the real world costs in performance?

Is an HV Hackintosh hard to configure? I’ve done two bare metal builds and honestly - I’m not sure it’s worth the headache vs my billable hours I could be making in my business. I kind of lost my passion for it, but I am seriously considering trying the HV route. Even if I lose some performance I can live with it - Ryzen and even the new Intel’s are really fast and I mostly do design work with some 4k video.

I’d pay Theresa to tell me what she’s doing, but she’s booked out for, like, a year.

Ideally I’d like a Mavericks & Win 11 machine.

submitted by /u/nurdle
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