Should I change SMBIOS from iMac Pro to MacPro?

I Upgraded from 5700xt to 6 9 0 0 XT and I have been having some stability issues in After Effects and FCPx is not much better in exporting, vega 64 was still the fastest for me .

On my Imac GPU ussage touches 100% while using FCPx but on my hackintosh its Zero mostly, sometimes in compressor it climbs up to 50%.

*BIG SUR 11.4

*CPU: 3700x

* GPU: (6000+900)XT My post keep getting blocked when I add it up and write

* RAM: Hyper X 3200Mhz 16 x 4

* Motherboard: MSI Wifi Edge

* Audio Codec: Apple ALC

* What guide/tool followed: open core 0.7

* What part I got an issue with: While using after effects under heavy load

Below is the crash file Log

submitted by /u/ped-revuar-in
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