[NEWS] macROGAura has been updated to v1.1.0!

Hello, r/hackintosh community!

I'm TSLARoadster aka Delta, and I've taken up the task of (re)maintaining macROGAura

What is this?

If you own an ROG keyboard with Aura RGB support (so most Asus RGB keyboards), using this tool you're able to modify the RGB values, and use common presets found in windows.

Why should you use this?

The original macROGAura hasn't been maintained for almost 2 years now, and it was missing some vital features (most notably setting the brightness). I (with an ROG Strix G731GU hackintosh) wasn't happy with the lack of updates and support, so I decided to work on updating it to support these features!


  • Added brightness


  1. Download the latest release binary on the repo
  2. Decompress the file downloaded, and put the resulting binary in your /usr/local/bin folder
  3. In a terminal run macrogaura to see the possible arguments you can use

What's next?

I'm currently starting work on a GUI for this tool (which will likely be in a separate repo), so look forward to that in the upcoming months!


If you're looking for support for this tool, feel free to create an issue on the repo or make a reply in this thread (I will not respond to DMs so that any questions and/or solutions are public)

submitted by /u/GamingWithAlan
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