Does Opencore affect every OS you boot off of it?

Hello everyone! So, I managed to install MacOS Big Sur on my Asus Zenbook 13 laptop, but I noticed something strange. My sound won't work even though the OS detects my audio device and the mic also works. Incidentally, I've decided to dualboot my laptop with Win10.

Now, the strange thing is, whenever I modify something in the EFI in macOS and/or device manager in Windows, the two OS will always affect each other in different ways. For example, I patched my laptop's keyboard backlight with DSDT patches. And somehow, booting to Windows off of Opencore, I can't turn my keyboard backlight off. Like, it just stays on the maximum illumination possible because pressing the keyboard backlight key in succession only increases the illumination of the backlight and it doesn't return to off state after the brightest illumination is pressed.

Another example would be... Going back to the sound problem, I have discovered that I have to make a Windows dual boot and after the sound driver has been installed, manually disable it in device manager, then restart my laptop, and boot to macOS. And the sound finally works!

So how do I "solve" this conundrum? By placing Windows boot manager on the highest boot priority in BIOS. This way, the keyboard backlight problem is fixed. Although, this way of booting Windows is counterproductive because then dual booting off of Opencore to ease things off is rendered useless. I suspected that opencore is responsible for this because of the Windows boot manager solution I've found earlier.

Finally my second question is, is there a way to make it so that Opencore only affects the macOS partition of my drive, and exclude Windows? Thank you! Your answers are much appreciated!

submitted by /u/higmil1010
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