Having a problem with my webcam on Catalina on my HP Envy x360

Having a problem with my webcam on Catalina on my HP Envy x360

Webcam not detected by macOS

Hackintool's list of active usb ports which includes the internal uvc camera

My EFI file structure

CPU: Intel Kaby Lake-R i7-8550U

GPU: Intel UHD 620

RAM: 16GB 2400MHz DDR4

Laptop Model: HP 15bp-194cl

I followed the Dortania guide and after some work managed to get my hackintosh to boot and installed catalina on it. Everything seems to be working fine now except for that I can't seem to get my webcam to get detected by macOS or get it to work. I tried the post-install guide's suggestion of usb mapping but that didn't help. I haven't gone through and patched my DSDT yet either (Here's the untouched DSDT for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QgdvWBwIM5YoRGr9Iyw7q3icgOsvPJIr/view?usp=sharing).Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks to anyone willing to help!

submitted by /u/flashnzt
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