Hackintosh randomly hangs indefinitely during use. Been working fine before but issue occurred today.

Hi all, as per title.

I've been using my hackintosh for a while now without issues but suddenly as I was using it today, the computer suddenly hanged. Upon boot, it will hang randomly again within 10 seconds of logging in.

I still don't know the exact reason and there are likely multiple reasons, but the most consistent way I can replicate is to have my DAC (scarlett 2i2) plugged in. I have been using this DAC with the hack ever since I created it almost a year ago and has stayed through OC upgrades and all without issues. The DAC also works completely fine with my other computers (not hackintosh).

If I leave it unplugged during boot, this issue seems to go away. However, plugging it in or booting with it plugged in will hang the computer shortly after. (I know there are multiple causes because the computer has hanged without the DAC plugged in during my testing, but it's rare and I considered them as anomalies.)

In case anyone is wondering, I have done my USB mapping too. I'm not sure if you guys know what the issue might be and how to solve it, but if you need more info or need me to check something, I would be more than happy to do so!

Here are my specs:

  • CPU: 8600k
  • GPU: HD630
  • Motherboard: Asrock Deskmini 310
  • 16GB Ram
  • Wifi: BCM943602CS
  • 512 gb generic phison E12 SSD
  • Opencore 0.67
submitted by /u/SufficientSet
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