[Success] ASUS Z170 6600k Big Sur


macOS 11.2.3 Big Sur running under OpenCore 0.6.7

  • Board: ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600k (Skylake)
  • RAM: 32GB Corsair DDR4 at 2666MHz
  • Graphics: AMD RX480 8GB
  • Storage: Crucial SATA3 SSD

Guides used:


  • Seemingly all the hardware
  • Audio, including HDMI and DisplayPort
  • Apple secure boot and filevault
  • Services, at least iCloud and App Store


  • iGPU (HD 530)
  • USB-C


  • Codec is ALC1150, correct AppleALC layout-id for this board seems to be 3
  • ConnectDrivers under UEFI appears to be safe to turn off with this board and noticeably improves the loading time of OpenCore
  • Remember to do your USB mapping!

Found myself thinking "hm how hard is it to hackintosh? Let's try...", and well I'm really impressed! OpenCore was easy to set up, the guide is comprehensive without being overwhelming and macOS on this PC runs awesomely.

I've never really used macOS other than briefly helping my mother out with her MacBook, but I find myself ready liking it, and while I dual boot with Linux and that still is a lot more practical for some stuff I do, I now mainly use Mac as my daily driver, and it's making me want to get a MacBook...

Shoutouts for the Acidanthera and the Hackintosh community for being awesome and making all this possible :)

PS If there's any more info I can provide please do comment and I'll add it to my post.

submitted by /u/Nadia-h
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1 comment :

  1. Hello, can you leave share your dsdt's and config.plist?
