The Beelink SEi8 (i5-8259u (Coffeelake) + Iris Pro 655) is SO DAMN CLOSE. Help...

I've hackintoshed over a dozen machines, several recently with OpenCore (which is so much easier, thank goodness). But... this damn NUC wannabe refuses to tick the final checkmark box.

In Short: I get a black screen prior to the Mac OS installer showing any sort of GUI. As in, it completes the boot process, and then is black. In fact, it will eventually go to "sleep", indicating that it is definitely on the installation "choose your language" screen, but I just can't see it.

Things I've tried:

  • Combed through 10 or 20 "successful" posts that are rocking the i5-8259u and Iris Pro 655 setup. These are far and wide 8th gen Intel NUC setups, but, some are other random laptops. The AAPL,Platform-id used in most of these simply hasn't been right for me.
  • Installing Mojave, Catalina, and now Big Sur. All produce the exact same black installer screen.
  • Replaced the PCIe NVMe
  • Replaced the RAM
  • This Beelink SEi8 has two HDMI ports on the back. I don't even get BIOS and pre-boot menus on the second HDMI port, so I'm just using the 1 HDMI that works. (I feel like zero VGA and zero DP might be an issue, but again, I haven't had to make special output exceptions before)
  • Upgrading to 0.6.7 since it dropped less than 24 hours ago. Same result.
  • ...this is booting the recovery img. I'm happy to try using the full installer -- I feel like I shouldn't be getting a black screen regardless though? :\


So, that being said, here's a bunch of information without sharing my actual EFI folder:


File Structure:


│ opencore-2021-03-02-122625.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-123005.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-123505.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-124311.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-130516.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-123037.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-130134.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-131547.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-131721.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-132121.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-135401.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-135648.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-135729.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-140759.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-140047.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-140435.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-140805.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-141423.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-230735.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-231539.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-232123.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-233848.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-234659.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-02-235644.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-001554.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-002120.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-002235.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-004658.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-010713.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-015611.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-015648.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-020127.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022137.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022409.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022504.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022606.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022653.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-022734.txt

│ opencore-2021-03-03-030607.txt


│ BaseSystem.dmg

│ BaseSystem.chunklist



│ BOOTx64.efi


│ OpenCore.efi

│ config.plist



│ SSDT-PMC.aml

│ SSDT-EC.aml


│ SSDT-USB-Reset.aml



│ OpenRuntime.efi

│ HfsPlus.efi

│ OpenCanopy.efi


│ ├───VirtualSMC.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ VirtualSMC

│ │

│ ├───Lilu.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ Lilu

│ │

│ ├───WhateverGreen.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ WhateverGreen

│ │

│ ├───AppleALC.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ AppleALC

│ │

│ ├───RealtekRTL8111.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ ├───MacOS

│ │ │ RealtekRTL8111

│ │ │

│ │ └───Resources

│ │ └───en.lproj

│ │ InfoPlist.strings

│ │

│ ├───NVMeFix.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ NVMeFix

│ │

│ ├───USBInjectAll.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ USBInjectAll

│ │

│ ├───SMCSuperIO.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ SMCSuperIO

│ │

│ ├───SMCProcessor.kext

│ │ └───Contents

│ │ │ Info.plist

│ │ │

│ │ └───MacOS

│ │ SMCProcessor

│ │

│ └───FakePCIID.kext

│ └───Contents

│ │ Info.plist

│ │

│ └───MacOS



│ ├───Audio

│ ├───Font

│ ├───Image

│ └───Label





  • As well as my current config.plist. (I think EFI sharing is against the rules, but this is just the config.plist).

Notable notables from that config.plist:


<key>PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)</key> <dict> <key>AAPL,ig-platform-id</key> <data> CQClPg== **(this is 0900A53E hex)** </data> <key>model</key> <string>Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655</string> </dict> 




<key>boot-args</key> <string>-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -wegdbg -cdfon</string> 




<key>SystemProductName</key> <string>Macmini8,1</string> 



Any help would be amazing; These Beelink machines are delightful, and SO close in build to NUCs, I feel like the answer is right in front of me but I can't pin it.

submitted by /u/jackharvest
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