Stuck on "ioconsoleusers gioscreenlockstate" Catalina | Z390 | 9900k | 5500 xt

Hey peeps, I'm totally stuck and slowly losing my mind. I had a working system for 2 months and for a week I've been getting stuck at the loading screen unless I boot safe mode. I made no changes to OS or EFI and I'm still not sure what triggered it. The only unusual thing that happened prior was I got this error:

After some troubleshooting, I decided to do a clean wipe + reinstall. I used an identical EFI to the one I had working before but now whenever I boot I get stuck on or near the following line **ioconsoleusers gioscreenlockstate 3 **

System info

| [CPU][Intel Core i9-9900K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor]

| [CPU Cooler][EVGA CLC 360 74.82 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler]

| [Motherboard][Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE ATX LGA1151 Motherboard]

| [Memory][OLOy 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory]

| [Storage][Samsung 970 Evo 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive]

| [Storage][Samsung 970 Evo 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive]

| [Video Card][XFX Radeon RX 5500 XT 8 GB THICC II Pro Video Card]

| [Case][Fractal Design Meshify C ATX Mid Tower Case]

| [Power Supply][EVGA SuperNOVA GA 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply]

The posts that I’ve read regarding the “Ioconsoleusers…” are mostly related to people using iGPU and not dGPU. The few that I’ve read that were using my dGPU were fixed by adding -agdpmod pikera to boot args. I’ve already been using this.

Everything I've tried so far: (nc = no change)


Removing and reseating GPU, CPU, RAM, Hardrives, and front panel connections

Resetting CMOS


X.M.P = Profile 1 | CSM = Off ( On = nc) | VT-d = Off (On = nc) |Fast boot = Off | Initial Graphics = PCIe 1 (iGPU was black screen) | Internal Graphics = Auto (On/Off = nc) | Wi-FI = Disabled (On - nc) | USB 3.0 DAC-up = On (Off = Kernel panic) | Above 4G Decoding = on (Off = nc) | TB support = On (Off= nc) |


Removing Apple folder

ACPI -> removed all but AWAC| EC-USB... | PLUG | PMC (No changes)

Kexts -> tried removing SMCSuperIO | AppleALC | Intelmausi | Smalltree... | USBInject...| (No changes)


Booter - Quirks -> Rebuild apple memory map On/Off (nc)

Kernel - Quirks -> AppleCpuPmCfgLock

Misc - Security -> SecureBootMode ->Default /Disabled (nc)

SMBIOS -> iMac 19,1 | 19,2 |18,3

Boot Args-> -amd_no_dgpu_accel | agdpmod=ignore | agdpmod=vit9696

Any guidance would be much appreciated

Note: I have a Windows boot and everything has been smooth sailing with it whilst the Mac boot has been Fk'd so don't think it could be hardware.

EFI + Plist

submitted by /u/Vivid9542
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