Convert Partiton to EFI?

So I was editing my config.plist and was trying to mount my EFI partition. Then, after I did my editing and rebooted, realized that my partition was no longer EFI and it was a normal storage partition. I could still boot from it, but the boot option is called "Boot Microsoft EFI Boot from HD(6,GPT,{GUID here})" and some other stuff. It's really annoying, especially because when I create my own EFI from diskpart, the config.plist doesn't load properly. Default theme, Can't boot to macOS, No Nvram working, the whole shabang. However, when I boot from the partition that was once EFI, everything works. I think the only course of action is to convert the partition to EFI. When I research it, I can only find information about converting mbr hard drives to gpt. My hdd is already GPT. Please help!


System: Windows 10 and MacOS Catalina Dual Boot

Motherboard: Asus ROG Strix Z390-E

CPU: i7-9700k

GPU: Nvidia RTX 2060; disabled for macOS

OS: Attempting Latest Catalina

submitted by /u/Hybrid_Thund3r
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