Experiencing kernel panic on first boot from USB of OpenCore. Not sure what's wrong.

Experiencing kernel panic on first boot from USB of OpenCore. Not sure what's wrong.

After following the guide at Dortania, I tried booting my MacOS usb, only to get an instant kernel panic. I tried following the tips in this post, but they didn't work for me.

The kernel panic

I am trying to use OpenCore on a laptop. Here are my specs-

Intel Corei i7-5500U

12GB Ram

iGPU- Intel HD Graphics 5500

dGPU- Nvidia GeForce 840M

Wifi- Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260

Boot Args-

-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 wegnoegpu aclid=3

File Trees-

Main OC Folder

ACPI Folder

Drivers Folder

Kexts Folder

Tools Folder

submitted by /u/FeverKid
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