2 questions, Updating and Hardware Changes

Hello everyone, currently, I run an intel 7700k hackintosh with an asus strix z270-i motherboard. I am interested in upgrading this to a 9900k or 10900k soon. I know that cpu upgrades are usually plug and play, but I was curious if I would have compatibility issues with my current efi and kext config because I would need a new motherboard. my second question is about updating macOS. How do I go about updating macOS on a hackintosh? I have tried it several times, and the last time I did, I got help from somebody who had me just wipe my machine and install Mojave (I was running 10.13.6 before the update.). I am positive that there is a way to update without wiping my computer completely, but I don't know how; so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, and have a nice night!

submitted by /u/thunderlord520
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