My first try with OC Hackintosh...

My first try with OC Hackintosh...


I have 2+ years experience with Hackintosh, having built one using Clover. After the Mojave update and loss of support for NVIDIA graphics I put the project on hiatus for 1 year.

After finding this Reddit and Open Core I decided to start from scratch.

I followed the instructions from the Vanilla OC Desktop Guide
The EFI Partition on my install USB thumbdrive looks like this:

When I start the installation from the USB thumbdrive this shows up:

Then this:

And the process stops right there. Anyone else has had this problem? Is there a file I am missing in my EFI/OC folders?

My machine's specs:
CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 @ 3.20GHz (Skylake)
RAM: 16.0GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. Z170X-Gaming 5
Graphics: 4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (soon to be replaced by a 8GB Radeon RX580)

Thanks in advance.

And, apologies if this post falls outside rules.

submitted by /u/PRican_Manatee
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