Problem with graphics in Catalina 10.15.2 using Lilu + WEG on laptop

Problem with graphics in Catalina 10.15.2 using Lilu + WEG on laptop

Hi, I'm trying to figure how to enable my graphic card into my Asus laptop, I have read the An iDiot's to Lilu guide and installed Lilu and WhateverGreen in /L/E and no matter what ig-platform-id and device-id I use always see the result:

Bad graphics

I can interact but every component is very laggy or blinking or even invisible or out of position, I tried all of the Skylake combinations of platform-id and device-id in this guide but I only get that result or some cases a black screen, What should I do?

My IGPU is an Intel HD 510, I used Hackintool for get information about my graphics.

My Laptop is an ASUS x541U, with intel grapchis HD 510 and Nvidia Gforce 920mx.

submitted by /u/AcnologiaMagnum
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