A lot of people make mistakes ( like me ) when they built their first Hackintosh, In this guide I am going to tell you how to avoid those mistakes for not putting much effort for nothing as I make. Let's get Started!
Keep it on your mind. We all make mistakes even Apple . Yes they are not God
1-Making Bootable USB
Most common mistakes people do when they make their own bootable usb. And There are couple of mistakes you will do while making bootable usb
- Didn't Check Hardware for HackintoshVersion : Yes sometimes people download MojaveOS For 1999 Laptops. OR They download Mac Lion OS on 2020 Computers. You must check your hardware with your mackintosh version + clover version + clover configs and this take a lot of efforts but worth it
- Wrong File : Some they make bootable usb using a Wrong DMG File or Wrong Tools. You should only use these tools on Windows & Mac : For Windows (TransMac,Etcher) For Mac ( No Tools. only Terminal ) . Don't use UniBeast because it sucks on Mac and sometimes it gives random errors
- Wrong Hackintosh : Yes. Don't download Hackintosh from Random Websites or Youtube Videos. You should make vanilla Hackintosh. You will set your own config. Even make your own kexts. Because Downloading Niresh,Olarila Configs are not compatible with your hardware and they are modified. So be careful to not lose Time by downloading a file you don't know or you don't know it extension
- Wrong Clover Config : Don't Download Any Clover File from Internet and start praying to work. This is completely stupid as here in this community on sidebar it says " Remember the human "
- Mixing Guides don't know what are you doing : Some People Just use random guides together and different os with different clover with no sets. this will cause an error-explosion. You better use your 1 cell in your brain
2-Wrong Kexts / Outdated Kexts
- After successful build of Hackintosh You will need Mostly Lilu.kext + FakeSMC And IntelHDFixup if you use Intel Graphics. But hey keep in mind to have always.a backup or enough knowledge to do if you did something wrong. Don't put random kexts and pray to work. Or pray to not damage ur system
- Downloading outdated kexts. yes if you've followed a youtube tutorial mostly they will put google.drive link from their own upload. Like Lilu And mostly it's outdated because they didn't update it. Download from official websites Only
That's the most common mistakes we do while making Hackintosh. I Hope you've learnt a something today :)
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