Mojave Hackintosh - Error loading kernel cache (0x7)

Working on a new tower, fresh Mojave install via clover. Boots off the USB fine, and I can start the installer. However the installer stops a few seconds after starting, with verbose mode showing the following 3 lines for it's final output:

ERROR!!! Uncompress prelinked kernel

ERROR!!! Load prelinked kernel with status 0x800000000000007

Error loading kernel cache (0x7)

Build has the following hardware (which checks out as ok from a Win10 install on another drive on it)::

CPU i5-8600K 3.6GHz

Motherboard Gigabyte Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI

Vidoe Card Radeon RX580

SSD Samsung 860 EVO 500GB

RAM Corsair, 4 sticks of 8GB each

I followed the bios settings from

Using Clover_v2.4k_r4831 for the initial install. Pulled my config from for Coffee Lake. SMBIOS set to iMac18,2. Loaded the lilu, Whatevergreen and FakeSMC. Made changes using the latest Clover Configurator.

I've tried the following to no resolution:

• -f UseKernelCache=No

• Made sure SIP was not enabled

• Checked and updated apfs.efi

• Swapped between OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi, OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi, OsxLowMemFixDrv-64.efi, OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.efi, OsxAptioFix3Drv-64.efi and AptioMemoryFix-64.efi

• Rebuild the USB several times, meticulously following the instructions from several sites

• Built a High Sierra USB with the same result

• Tried EFI folders from other users with the same motherboard

Anyone have any suggestions for a resolution, or next steps in troubleshooting?

submitted by /u/Previnzero
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