Updating from 10.8.5

Hi all,

I built my Hackintosh in August 2013 and have had the typical "too scared to update" mindset ever since. I use my Hackintosh for a lot of audio based work so I never wanted to take the chance of my machine being disabled (since it took a good amount of work to get it up and running to begin with).

I used Multibeast when installing OS X initially, but after doing some brief skimming it seems that Multibeast isn't the go-to anymore. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I can start to understand what steps I'll need to take?

Disclaimer: I really couldn't care less about updating to the latest OS X version. I would just like to be up to date enough where my apps are supported (Chrome and Spotify are no longer supported). Should I shoot to update to 10.10?

Sorry if this is something listed in the Guides section, but after reading through a bit I figured it would be safer to ask than assume.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/HitYouWTheThrowaway
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