Any way to customize the display hardware settings in mac OS sierra with VMware?

So I recently installed mac os sierra using Vmware workstation 12.5. everything works decently so far, the only issue is that everything is INCREDIBLY tiny (icons, text, the menu bar at the top, EVERYTHING). The issue is my laptop is the razer blade stealth which has a 2560x1440p screen, but its only a 12.5 inch screen.

I’m not 100% sure about this, but I think the reason everything is so tiny is because mac os thinks I’m on a 41 inch screen so it scales it to what it would look like on a 41 inch screen, instead of a 12 inch screen.

Is there any way I can make it so that vmware recognizes my laptop’s display to be like 13 inches or so? My only “fix” to this is to change my windows 10 native resolution to 1360x768 which will be stretched on a 2560x1440 screen (everything will look blurry, not sharp). When I go to apple > system preferences > display settings, I can’t change the scalability because there is only one option (the resolution my pc is currently at)

The photo’s im posting might look normal to you on your monitor, but on my 12.5 inch screen everything is tiny btw.

submitted by /u/skupanu
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