OCLP Reinstall Big Sur 2009 White MacBook

‘This reinstall is brought to you by Nuke and Pave, the ultimate Mac solution to almost every problem. When things get tricky, remember Nuke and Pave: it’s the only way to be sure’.

So I had an issue with my Mac where I could get to the login screen and the progress bar halted about 25% of the way. Left it for several hours, no dice. Tried all the solutions I could find - no dice. Started to think the HDD was goosed.

So, Nuke and Pave - wipe the drive, clean reinstall. Nothing much of consequence I didn’t have saved on the HDD so…

Runs very well indeed. Owing to a previous issue with WiFi, I haven’t updated the OCLP app. Anyone with a 2009 MacBook (Poly unibody) has success (or disaster) with that?

submitted by /u/Content_Barracuda294
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