Please could a few of the /r/Hackintosh community help a newbie out...

Hey, all.

I'm taking an iOS development course and thanks to the support on here, I've managed to get my Hackintosh running and my simulator running as well. I just have one question that I need help on...

I'm a total noob when it comes to iOS development. I know how to make a few small apps and run them in a simulator. Next week, however, we are going to be running them on our devices (I have an iPad 2017 model). The teacher mentioned that if we are using a Hackintosh, issues may arise when trying to test the app on a real device.

Could a few of you kind ladies and gentlemen help me out by running a test app on a device while plugged into the computer? I need to know if it works or shell out £500.00 for a cheap Mac Mini. I would do it myself but after reading, it's a little too out of my skillset for now.

Thank you to anyone who helps me!

submitted by /u/WebComp
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