Sonoma Works on B450 motherboard with R5-5500 + RX6600

Sonoma Works on B450 motherboard with R5-5500 + RX6600

Took some efforts to make it fully functional on an AMD desktop. Now the only stuff what won't work is AirDrop&Handoff since I have no plan to install a WiFi Card.

Motherboard: MSI B450M-A PRO MAX

CPU: Ryzen 5 5500 six cores

GPU: Radeon RX6600 8GB

Ethernet: RTL8111

If you're on the same platform, here're my EFI files:

Tested from Monterey 12.1 to Sonoma 14.4.1, fully functional. If you have an older like RX580 or RX5600, then this EFI should work for you on Big Sur.

submitted by /u/Eraser1926
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