Updating Opencore/macOS/SSDTs: Best practices

I got started with Opencore on version 0.5.7 with macOS 10.15.5. It's been running great on my X99/5620k build. I've updated to 0.6.1 and 10.15.6, no issues there, followed the recommended steps provided by the official Dortania guide: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/update.html. As a general rule, I don't update macOS unless I really need the new features. If so, I also update Opencore.

Very well: for an update, the guide clearly states that you should update Opencore and kexts. But I've noticed the ACPI guide is constantly updated as well, and the recommended SSDTs for different platforms and generations have been changing since I've first completed my build, with even some new ones added to the list.

My question is:

- should I review my SSDTs and replace them with the new recommended ones even if I don't update Opencore? Will I see any stability benefits?

- OR Should I review my SSTDs ONLY when I update Opencore?

- OR If I have a fairly stable build, should I stick with my current SSDTs?

And a follow-up question: should I create the habit of updating Opencore/kexts/SSDTs even if my build is quite stable?

Thank you in advance! This community is awesome.

submitted by /u/brunohoro
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