Rx5500xt black screen on boot


I've posted questions about this issue before I'm trying one more time.

CPU ryzen 3700 Memory 32 GB Motherboard gigabyte aorus wifi ITX. GPU gigabyte Rx 5500 xt 4gb.

Although the latest whatevergreen release states it solved black screen on boot on NAVI cards. I'm still fighting this issue. Most of the time it happens on first boot. Even leaving out whatevergreen doesn't seem to make much difference. I switched to macpro7,1 and put the advice from the guide in place. The funny thing is I can connect remotely with vnc viewer. If i look at the display property it says unknown monitor an no info on the graphics card. I tried all the other solutions in the guide and other articles, but no luck so far. I can find more questions about this issue with NAVI cards, but so far no working solution for me.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/henkiew
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