TINU (app to create vanilla macOS usb installers) on macOS Catalina

TINU (app to create vanilla macOS usb installers) on macOS Catalina

Hi hackintoshers and reditors, I am the creator of TINU, an app to create macOS usb installers using apple's createinstallmedia method (more on it here: https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/TINU)

My app has already been shared here in the past (and not only by me, but also from other people whose find it usefoul)

I want just to announce that after some days of testing of the latest released version of TINU (2.1) on macOS Catalina beta it work almost as it does on Mojave but there are a couple of bugs reguarding the usage of apfs formatted drives with TINU (so avoid choosing apfs volumes when creating an usb installer is the way to go until the new update comes out), so you can start using it on catalina except for this problem that could happen in some cases (for example if you have more than one apfs container or drive, but it will not happen if you have one or no apfs containers connected or mounted in the machine you run tinu on).

And also i want to use this post to annunce that there will be at least 2 new updates coming this year:

-An end june update to fix all the issues reported to me in the past moths and days (like the issue iwth the apfs drives i found) and some minor tweaks and adjustments to make it slightly more understandable and to remove some mess with the source code (i have been quite busy so that's why it will come later this month)

-A more substantial update in september or october which will bring more important news to the table (TINU will finally move away from Swift 3 and it will be fully updated to Swift 5 and Xcode 11 with cosmethical changes and new features)

I hope you find this post usefoul and let me know if you see any bugs or things which are not right with tinu (like grammar, spelling and syntax errors with text or things out of place)

Here is also a screenshot from a prototype of the new look i want to give to the app later this year (note that because it's a prototype it could go trought heavy modifications):


submitted by /u/ITzTravelInTime
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