Slow Export in Mojave but not High Sierra

Hey all. Looking for some help or a hint here.

System is i5-8400

GB-Z390 M Gaming

Vega 64 LC

16GB 2666Mhz Ram

GC-Alpine Ridge TB card (not configured in hackintosh yet, works as USB 3 though)

I'm using the same EFI for HS and Mojave 10.14.5.

The system works flawlessly in both OS's, however my Final Cut Pro exports are 2x slower in Mojave. Any help would be appreciated. The Mojave export was FAST at one point, I think something changed right around the time I ran corp's USB script, but I can't see how that would affect it. I've put together a pastebin with my config.plist, the UEFI64 drivers in clover and my kextlist. Install is vanilla.

PCI devices in Hackintool

Pastebin Info

If anyone has any ideas or hints or ideas, let me know. Thanks!

BruceX is 17s in High Sierra, 31s in Mojave

submitted by /u/4stringhacked
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