I have an old TrashCan style Mac Pro. What can I do with it?


So, I managed to convince an old IT manager to let me take home a 2013 Mac Pro, and a fairly well-equipped version of it at that, a couple of years ago.

It's been sitting here for two years unused.

The reason is that more recent versions of MacOS will periodically freeze it, especially when waking it up from sleep, causing me to have to reboot it.

But, it's a nice machine, I love it aesthetically believe it or not. I miss when computers looked like something other than big black metal and glass boxes.

What can I do with this? Are there any good builds of Linux I can throw on it to make it into a media center PC?

Are there any fixes for the freeze-ups I've been seeing?

Should I just shuck the innards and turn the case into an actual trash can?

I've looked up what people are buying them for; I guess I could sell it for several hundred bucks, but... I'd rather use it :)

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ObeyTheModerator_PLZ
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