Ventura Bluetooth- How can I run the patch on the GH? I had to add the NVRAM keys and the kexts files months ago and it worked until now

Okay so for any who are unaware, the intel macs had some issues running bluetooth but could be resolved by adding two keys to NVRAM > 7[abunchofnumbersandletters] and you added 3 downloadable kexts files to the EFI.

Boom, everything was working until today (I had one other time it stopped working but I reverted patches> reboot> installed patches > reboot with NVRAM reset> works.

Anyway, I just noticed like a month ago, khronokernel committed this to the GitHub. I'm assuming I can just add this python program to my efi builder and it would at least do what I'm assuming it would (whether that worked or not).

Wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything or maybe someone has some insight on how to solve this bluetooth issue once and for all

submitted by /u/BrohanGutenburg
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