2012 iMac on Sonoma with Extreme Ethernet Slowdown on VPN

I'm usually pretty spot on with troubleshooting, and I think I know the cause just not the resolution.

Issue - 2012 iMac running Sonoma. iMac wired via ether to gig switch 3 feet away, switch wired to 1 Gig Internet.

No VPN - I get 850 Mbps down and 760 Mbps up. All good.

NordVPN or Proton VPN on: I get 210 Mbps down and 200 Mbps up. No good.

With the iMac on ether straight to the Gig router, I get the same speeds as above.

Now I also have a MacBook M2 Pro and I have the same software as the iMac but of course without OCLP installed.

No VPN - I get 850 ish Mbps down and 760 ish Mbps up. All good.

NordVPN or Proton VPN on: I get 800 ish Mbps down and 740 Mbps up. All good.

I've uninstalled the VPN software, removed the remaining remnants, rebooted and reinstalled the VPN software and my speeds drop 1/4 as in the first set of tests above.

What these tests show me is there's something nothing wrong with the OCLP patches as no VPN I get killer speeds. But as soon as VPN is on, speeds drop down to 200+ Mbps. So something with these VPN implementations using the Wireguard or any protocol is killing my speed.

But it's not just NordVPN, it's also Proton VPN and Privado VPN.

I just can't seem to sort out the very specific thing that causes this. It seems its VPN software related.

Bang, bang, bang... argh..

submitted by /u/BigNavy505
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