[SUCCCESS] Ventura - Core i5 7600K - Asus B250 Plus - UHD 630

[SUCCCESS] Ventura - Core i5 7600K - Asus B250 Plus - UHD 630

Hello, guys.

After a hell of suffering, reading, downloads and reinstalls it's rock solid for over a month.

It's has turned my main work rig.

Motherboard: Asus B250 Plus
CPU: Intel i5 7600K
Graphics: Intel UHD 630 (HDMI AUDIO 100%)
Memory: 16GB DDR4
Display: 2560x1440 @ 60hz / 1920x1080 @ 120hz (Can't get higher refresh rate, since it is for work is not bothering me)

Everything I need so far.

Not Working:
iMessage, FaceTime (Can't even test it)

BIG ISSUE for me now it's to put it to run on Sonoma. (Getting black screen after boot).

Thanks for all the posts on this community, the problems other suffered and the solutions they found, helped me A LOT.


submitted by /u/saci_verde
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