No audio on High Sierra hackintosh

My hackintosh won't play any audio. It works PERFECTLY in almost all other ways, but when I go to youtube for example the video just keeps loading (I have a really good ethernet connection that works with googling and such) and no audio is played of course. I've tried spotify too and it tries to play but after a few silent seconds it displays "can't play this song" (and yes I've tried a bunch of different songs so that not the issue). I use Apple ALC and I've tried all the different numbers in the config.plist (I can't remeber what they are called but all the numbers related to my mobo audio). Non of them works! I'm stating to think it has something to do with the playback of audio/videos rather than the actual audio. I've also chatted back and forth with a bunch of diffrent people on discord and no one seams to know what's wrong. I thought I'd give reddit a try and I'm sorry this text got really really long but I wanted to give as much information from the start to avoid unnececery questions.

submitted by /u/Grixy4
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