Help/advice for installing DualBoot on a Windows Laptop

Hey there, so my girlfriend has been looking at buying a new apple laptop, but honestly we don’t have the money for it at the moment. She has a HP Spectre laptop which she uses that has an i7 processor and 64 bit windows. I’m not 100% certain it’s compatible for apple, but i’m assuming so because of the those two things.

So I’m thinking for Christmas i’m going to try to install a dualboot onto her laptop. It currently has a 500gb M.2 NVME SSD, so I got a 1TB M.2 SSD to upgrade it. I plan on partitioning the new hard drive to give each OS 500gb, and transferring all of her data over from her old hard drive to her new one’s windows side.

Now here’s where I need your advice, i’ve read online from various places that it’ll have a bunch of problems if they’re both installed on the same hard drive, but back in school we used to use dual boot macs which had only one hard drive, and they worked fine.

Also which version of mac os should I be looking at installing, and which software is the most stable/works the best with dualboot.

One last wrench, I have no macs to use for installing the OS on to a flash drive, so I was thinking about installing a virtual machine mac onto my desktop to do that. But I’m not sure if I can do that, so if any of you know that would be phenomenal.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

submitted by /u/hipstereclipse
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