Hit a block with OpenCore. Any help please?!

So I am using the opencore method, and am following this guide. I'm under the "Making the installer" bit right now. Ofc, I am using windows, and am installing macOS to another drive in my computer.

I'm doing everything it says, selecting disk 0 and using the parameter O "0O" for my initial command. It all goes fine and dandy, but when I point it to the recovery package, it always gives an error and puts me back at square one. I pointed it to the path: ("C:\Users\User\Downloads\gibMacOS-master\macOS Downloads\publicrelease\061-94403 - 10.15.6 macOS Catalina")

with and without the quotes. Also, I tried it with the package file name at the end just to see if that would work.

Am I missing something obvious here, any fixes? Thanks!

submitted by /u/_xXx_Boi_xXx_
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