Very specific challenge. Quick question.

Hello, i recently got this rig for gaming:

I5 9400F

Gigabyte GTX 1660ti

Gigabyte Z390M Gaming

I was wondering if this could work as a dual boot hackintosh.

I know the i5 9409F doesn’t have iGPU but i’ve read that is actually possible to get it working. Correct me if im wrong.

I know the real problem is my GTX 1660ti.

So for the GPU problem, i was wondering if i could just plug another supported, Kepler, nvidia card, like a GT 710 on the second PCI slot. And use that card for OSX, and my 1660ti for Windows. If this could be achievable, how? and could i also get a more decent, but cheaper-than-my-1660ti AMD GPU for this OSX setup?

Im a programmer so i don’t really need heavy graphical power on osx, i just need a smooth experience on dual monitor for the usual apps.

Thanks a lot!

submitted by /u/evilsponge
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